Since its founding in 1797 by Jean Zuber, Zuber & Cie has maintained its headquarters at Rixheim, France. The Frederick Post reported that Jean Zuber’s wallpapers were so respected that King Louis Philippe honored him with the Legion of Honor in 1834, the year that Scenic America was printed. For its production, Zuber & Cie uses woodblocks (more than 100,000) engraved during the 17th 18, and 19th centuries. Zuber & Cie’s panoramic wallpapers include Vue de l’Amérique du Nord, Eldorado, Hindoustan, les Guerres d’Independence , and Isola Bella. Zuber & Cie also produces dado borders, friezes, and ceiling papers, some depicting faux representations of architectural details, drapery, fringe, and tassels. Zuber & Cie has showrooms in Paris and Nice, New York, Los Angeles, London and Dubai.

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