
On April 21 1885, in the midst of the thick fog that was blanketing the town of Bourg-en-Bresse, Emile Moissonnier had no idea that the cabinetmaker’s workshop he was inaugurating that morning in the garden at his home would still exist today. He was equally unaware that he would engender a line of cabinetmakers to whom he would pass on three principal gifts, which to this day remain the benchmarks of the Moissonnier collection: the arts of painting, sculpture and the production of exceptional items in the tradition of French cabinetmaking.

Since the company was founded its French cabinetmaking skills have been passed on down the generations. In the 80’s, Jean-Loup and Annie-Pierre Moissonnier took over the reins of the business and together instilled a unique style that has since become an established reference: bringing the past to life with light touches… suggesting without imposing… breathing new life into traditions to make the present feel magical again, and creating jewellery for the home while cultivating an offbeat style: such is the spirit of Moissonnier today.

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